Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Always Update Apple Products

This is what my Powerbook G4 performs like these days. I mean I love Macintosh products I just didn't know back in the day that I had to update the system all the time, my mistake I know. Now that I have come into some money I'm going to have to upgrade to OSX 10.4. I'm sure somewhere in the manuel it says always software update but I was a stupid 18 year old kid with my first laptop how was I to know? HOW?! Anyways my software update should be ordered soon and when it does watch out Quicktime I'm gonna rip you a new one with those movie trailers I've been missing. I also want an iSight with PhotoBooth man that thing is really awesome. I'll complete my set with an iPhone and the all new iPod Touch Screen coming this December, always updating from now on of course.


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