Monday, November 20, 2006

Where's Waldo: The Second Coming Back on Schedule

Well it looks like The Second Coming will see the light of day after all. The lack of updates have been because of the excitement of John Bradley's new purchase of a Canon Elura 100 MiniDV! For those of you who have followed the making of from the beginning you know that the only remains of WWTSC are on two DVDs and 8 MiniDV tapes that were recovered over the summer. Due to a lack of DV camera the editing of Waldo was next to impossible, but with a renewed spirit of completion upon him John Bradley has took it upon himself to put Waldo back together again. With the purchase of the Canon Elura 100 (pictured at left) all of our fans from YouTube will have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks. John Bradley will be editing and throwing up footage as soon as possible. Hopefully the whole thing can be put together in a somewhat cohesive way, the idea of shooting new scenes has been discussed and will more than likely happen this winter break. Finally the 70 or 80 of you out there will get to see a second finished product from Sean Malloy Productions.
A few things to look forward to:
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More Updates Soon.

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