Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Editing Report

Where's Waldo: The Second Coming is finally nearing completion! BS you may say, well this time I assure you it is not BS it is far from it actually. With most of the non-montage scenes put together in one way or another the The Second Coming should see the light of day come it's planned January release. While editing today a new scene was shown to myself and it truly is one the finest talkie scenes in the picture, it rivals the campfire scene in almost every way. The finale has been tightened up and the YouTube version of 'The Chase Sequence' pales in comparison to the 'Director's Cut.' Music is being added and the gravitas to each scene has gone up at least 4 to 5 notches. John and I are working as fast as Final Cut will allow and should have the montages done within the week, after that it's simply a case of cleaning it up, testing it with an audience, retouching, burning to DVD, and sending it out to anyone who wants one. Everyone get excited this is really happening and if you have seen the 'test footage' you haven't seen anything yet.

*BONUS* A Richard Photo Gallery will be up soon with pictures from his old apartment.

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