Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What has been going on?

Well here we are it's May 9th, 100+ days since the last post. I'm not even sure I posted a review of the screening on this thing, I have a new job, John is leaving an old job, Waldo DVDs are ready to mail out, all that aside Sean Malloy Productions is going outside the Continental U.S.A. and developing an Alaska branch. The Sean Malloy members of the Alaska crew will consist of John Bradley and Kevin Sharp. With a surprise visit from myself sometime in a later episode. Expect a lot of nature footage to be coming out of the wilderness as John plans to shoot as much footage as possible and comply it into a documentary or perhaps use stock footage shot in Alaska to make an actual movie about god knows what. I believe John Bradley is going to have his site up and running with a lot of updates I'll try to keep it all in line for my loyal readers.

As for the Alexandria branch, I have a new job as a Vice President/ Office Manager of a construction company that offers me loads of time to brainstorm new ideas and start getting this blog back into fighting shape. With the money from this job I will be looking to purchase an HD camera and start shooting stock and mini films to post on here and on YouTube. The goal is to get really comfortable with the camera and then when John moves back we'll both have plenty of free time on the weekends to truly get moving along with this business.

As for "Where's Waldo: The Second Coming" there are 50 DVDs in existence, 25 with one menu system and 25 with a different menu. The only thing that needs to be done is printing up the covers and placing them into standard issue DVD cases. The artwork has been finalized for many months and does look very spiffy sitting on a shelf. OH RIGHT, after printing out the covers we still need to sign and number each DVD so you know you are getting a one of a kind original from Sean Malloy Productions.
I'm going to try and post at least one thing everyday so feel free to stop in anytime and check out what's new over at the Sean Malloy Production Office Alexandria or Alaska Branch.

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