Friday, June 20, 2008

Something big happening tonight

The first wave of Sean Malloy Productions 3.1 will come crashing to shore this evening. Details will be given as soon as they are known.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Stan Winston 1946 -2008

Stan Winston of the World Famous Stan Winston studios died of complications from his battle with multiple myeloma earlier today. This man made movies, not that he directed him, his work made you remember every little detail. His work on Aliens is still the standard for ravenous creatures from outer space. I'll always look at Predator in a different light now, if he didn't bring his A-game to that creature effect the whole movie would have been D.O.A. Predator is one of the most original sculptures that human hands have created. The suit and mask alone make it enough to be the most badass bounty hunter this side of the Dagobah system. You knew you were dealing with a bad fucker when you saw Predator lining up his lasers on you. Then once the mask is taken off and you see just what Carl Weathers and gang have been dealing with you are scarred for life and you are better for it. Stan Winston made that movie, hell I wouldn't be surprised if it was his idea for the Deforestation scene featured on our page. I had a chance to eat next to Predator while at a Planet Hollywood and I was blown away by the detail and the solid construction this suit was sporting. It looked like the unmanned suit was ready to burst through the glass display case and reek havoc on our frail human bodies, ripping spines straight out and hoisting them victoriously in the air. I loved this guy's work and all of cinema will suffer from this loss. Stan was a true genius and I'm going to go watch Predator Bonus Features and see Stan at his best.

Universal and Sean Malloy Studios Burn

Some real problems almost occured this night, luckily the floods came and this incident has not happened again. No one was injured.

Wonderful Pixel Art Castle

A truly amazing piece of work right here folks. I'm not sure who the artist is, but if you find them let us know and we'll be sure to give this talented sombitch his proper recognition. Waves have to be one of the highlights.

Daniel Day-Lewis to play WW I Ace Pilot!!!

The DDL is in talks to don the goggles and handle the throttles for next Fall's historical epic "The Red Baron." The film is a voint venture between Paramount, Warner Bros., and Red Baron Pizza, and Miramax. The film is apparently being budgeted at $200 million, that will probably sky rocket as production begins. Buzz has been spreading fast as this one looks to hopefully begin shooting in August. No director has been attached but with the addition have DDL, don't expect that to last long. The story will focus on the entire life story of Manfred von Richtofen from his early life in Kleinberg to his rise to fame with "The Flying Circus." Credits are being closely guarded as we don't even know who the script is being credited to yet. This one just jumped to our top ten list of must sees and we'll keep a watch out for any details. I am a little skeptical as this seems to be coming right on the heels of Day-Lewis' mammoth turn in 'There Will Be Blood' the actor usually takes a three year break between releasing projects. DDL must feel he is up for the challenge and hoping to make us marvel at his moustache for 3 more hours.

The Red Baron was credited with 80 confirmed kills

The Sea Explorer: Potomac River Basin: Day 13

Backstory: The monsoon had stopped and we grabbed whatever we could and swam to shore. From what I could see half the crew was missing or slowly drowning, stuck inside an inner chamber of the ship's hull. One camera could still spool film so we decided to attempt to shoot what we could. Luckily the fish were out and happy to put on a show for us. Enjoy, a lot of lives were lost trying to bring these shots to you.

The Cutest Puppy on the Planet!

Backstory: This is the first collection of videos from my HP Photosmart R960 edited to true Bossa Nova tracks. The first clip features Regan, Richmond's latest and greatest puppy. Watch as Regan learns to swim, licks her nose and get the cutest hiccups. It is followed by Regan nap pictures.

...then we saw some swans at the park.
Is exactly what it sounds like. I got out my signature Godard camera holding technique and went to town as the flock charged the pavement. As in clip one Bossa Nova tracks are the heart of these clips.

The beginnings to an opening credit sequence for a soon to be shot television pilot. It also features The Accodian Lady and The Man In Shadows looking for the men's room.

Then Regan again.

SMP Reviews: Scary Movie 4: The Happening

M. Night Shymalan has made the funniest entry in the Scary Movie series by keeping the visual gags to a minimum and ramping up the situational and verbal comedy aspects that the past four have left out. Scary Movie 5: The Happening has everything a great parody movie needs a wonderful opening scene that sets us up for what will surely be the funniest 90 minutes of Summer '08. The reaction shots from the cast rival Jason Bateman and Micahel Cera's best work on "Arrested Development." The whole production looks stunning and Night's eye for composition are still some of his strongest points, but it's the way he handles his actors that really caught me. In a bit of inspired comedic casting Mark Wahlberg is our hero through this canon of classic Hitchcock motifs and like Charlie Sheen before him, Wahlberg turns in some of his best work since Boogie Nights. You can see and hear the joy in the actor's voice as he spits out comedy gold at every turn. The "You should care more about science" exchange may go down as one of the great moments in comedy history right next to 'Who's on first?' and the drop off scene in "The Big Lebowski." The death scenes are some of the best in the series even topping the stabbing of Carmen Electra's implants. The 'follow the gun scene' has some great moments from the extra blood spurting that is obviously a nod to "Ichii the Killer" and "Kill Bill" even the sound effect is different for each successive shot from the same gun, possibly an 'in' joke referencing the grindhouse horror of old. Making the villain 'wind' is Mr. Night Shymalan's finest bit of writing since Sam Jackson's reveal as the mastermind in 'Unbreakable.' I had thought Night had run out of ideas after his last two efforts but in the comedy/ satire genre Shymalan has found his true calling and one can only hope he chooses to continue on this path. I loved Scary Movie 5: The Happening and would reccomend it to anyone looking to laugh and cry tears of joy as you watch a cinematic masterpiece that I will be proud to place on my DVD shelf. Thank you Mr. Night Shymalan you have returned with great success, let's hope you come back for 6.

Scary Movie 5: The Happening receives: 94% out of 100