Monday, June 16, 2008

Stan Winston 1946 -2008

Stan Winston of the World Famous Stan Winston studios died of complications from his battle with multiple myeloma earlier today. This man made movies, not that he directed him, his work made you remember every little detail. His work on Aliens is still the standard for ravenous creatures from outer space. I'll always look at Predator in a different light now, if he didn't bring his A-game to that creature effect the whole movie would have been D.O.A. Predator is one of the most original sculptures that human hands have created. The suit and mask alone make it enough to be the most badass bounty hunter this side of the Dagobah system. You knew you were dealing with a bad fucker when you saw Predator lining up his lasers on you. Then once the mask is taken off and you see just what Carl Weathers and gang have been dealing with you are scarred for life and you are better for it. Stan Winston made that movie, hell I wouldn't be surprised if it was his idea for the Deforestation scene featured on our page. I had a chance to eat next to Predator while at a Planet Hollywood and I was blown away by the detail and the solid construction this suit was sporting. It looked like the unmanned suit was ready to burst through the glass display case and reek havoc on our frail human bodies, ripping spines straight out and hoisting them victoriously in the air. I loved this guy's work and all of cinema will suffer from this loss. Stan was a true genius and I'm going to go watch Predator Bonus Features and see Stan at his best.

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