Thursday, November 20, 2008

I really hope this isn't just the greatest Internet Parody Clip of all time! This needs to be a real movie! It appears to be feature length but who knows these days. It could very well be a Wayans bros. production to be featured in DANCE FLICK. I really hope it is just a real movie is that really so hard to ask? I really don't think so.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Robert Burden's Voltron- 900 Hours in 3:24

Very Impressive painting skill shown here by one Robert Burden. Enjoy!
Great background soundtrack as well.


I literally started running this blog fifteen minutes ago, and look what fate drops in my hands! Every time I see Scarlett Johansson she looks even more perfect somehow. Well hopefully this is a sign of things to come. That was literally the easiest thing I've ever done.

Gil's First Post!

Hey Everyone!
This is Gil, I've been the Sean Malloy Intern for the past 27 days. So far my duties have been picking up fast food the office has preordered or running to Safeway to pick up snacks or driving someone home after Happy Hour.


I'm very very excited to begin this journey with you all. I plan on maintaining a well kept and dust free log of what the studio is up to and what the world around us has to offer.


What I plan on reporting on:
- The Cinema
- Wii
- Video Games in General
- Beautiful Women
- Lots of Beautiful Women
I was told to increase page hits and I could keep the job so that is exactly what I'm going to do. ONWARD!



Our website is back! It was out of commission for a good year or so, we really could have used it in that time frame. Now with the past behind us we can proudly reopen 2.1. The site is being run on weebly a wonderful website building interface that is quite simply the best website I've ever seen. I could not have imagined a more pleasing experience this interface has been. These guys are truly on to something big here. I'm still going to learn php and html so don't worry my fellowship in the nerdery.

On another note since the website is now my primary concern, I will be giving over "blog master" powers to our studio intern Gil. He's an enthusiastic young talent who we are hoping can keep his hands out of the Cheetos long enough to put together a decent rundown of activities here and around the world. We're giving him a two week trial run. So let's get some critiques and criticism going about this guys work in the hopes of building greatness

Good Luck Gil!