Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Criterion Collection: Pickpocket

Just checked out "Pickpocket" last night, featuring strong direction from Robert Breeson. This is such a small movie it was passed over for 10 years in America. This never got a proper distribution deal until 1969 when it finally came out, to little fanfare. The film is deceptively quiet and simple but when you check the clock at the end you realize the film just flew by. Breeson casts no name regular people to play all his parts and you can feel it in their emotions and the way they interact within a scene. The beautiful Marika Green is simply stunning to watch in all of her scenes but never acts like she is anything special she is just a normal person. The training montages are top notch as Michel learns to pickpocket from a true master. Once the pickpocketings get more and more daring the film ramps up and you feel so overwhlemed watching how graceful the movements are from pocket to pocket. The choreography working here is pretty amazing and would still go over well these days. Michel is pretty perfect in his everyman role just struggling to get by day to day. Breeson is spot on with the subtle camera movements, and the lack of music makes the final scene that much more bittersweet. The intro from Paul Schrader informs us how much this movie affected him and how it ultimately shaped his script for "Taxi Driver." I highly reccomend "Pickpocket" as a wonderful addition to your collection.

Film: ****
Video: ***
Audio: **
Features: ***
Overall: **** - Highly Reccomended

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