Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What is it about this?

I'm sure any true red blooded Americen male has given this picture the once over more than a few times in the past week or so. This picture has caused a mini revolution of sorts, it comes on the heels of Scarlett Johnasson being named Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire and this picture not only proves that, it exceeds all expectations for this 21 year old who has come to be known as "Walking Sex." I think every man, woman and child that looks at this impeccably captured moment in time becomes awestruck by some unseen presence (Of course we all know what that unforeseen presence is and oh how we long for it). The mere fact that the picture is for an Allure magazine spread means that the Allure staff knows that if this is buried within their pages then men across the land will fork over their hard earned money for a single page in a magazine devoted to make-up and seasonal fashions. The power of the breasts are strong and I'm happy to know that we live in a time where all can be shared so easily and all can be celebrated. We can only hope a director in the future has more common sense then Michael Bay to let this actress do what she wants.

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