Tuesday, November 20, 2007

No Country for Old Men: The Game

Not sure if this has been posted on any site, but this looks pretty official and it looks to even be created by EA which can only mean good things. Having seen the movie already I can already picture this game working out brilliantly. From what I could gather from the German site was that player 1 would choose if he wanted to play as Llewellyn Moss or Anton Chigurh and the story would unfold from there. If you wanted to play deathmatch style simply bring a friend in and sneak around your hotel room trying to keep from being spotted. Also with the Wii controls the accuracy that Chigurh's weapon of choice would have would be out of this world. Hopefully the game is completed in time for the Oscar push for NCFOM.

UPDATED: I've found a preliminary screenshot of the game:

The character meter needs some work but I'm loving the oxygen tank being onscreen and the pointer looks like it will be way too much fun to handle. I bet once you line the shot up right an amazing cut scene from the movie will play out. I'll keep you posted as I find anything.

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