Saturday, October 28, 2006


CELL PHONE CHARMS! I'm ordering mine right now. Should be here in 4 to 6 months!

That's how you make an experimental film.

Toshio Matsumo directed this piece and it inspired Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange. You can really tell in the dance scenes they feel eerily similar to the various rape scenes done by Alex and his lads.

Friday, October 27, 2006

2006 or 1999 which will prevail as the ultimate movie year?

With The Departed, The Prestige, Little Miss Sunshine and plenty more to come could 2006 overtake 1999 as the best year for movies?
Smokin' Aces looks spectacularly crazy cool and Jason Bateman in anything has got my money already.
Longer Trailer That Gives Some Plot

Fantastic! Attractive Flowers and Colorful Birds

Trey Parker and Matt Stone Employee Moral video for Universal Studios, pre-South Park. It was never used. Stallone at the end is amazing.

Have a wine cooler.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Apple have unveiled it's all new Touch Screen iPods and they are by far the hottest version yet. Take a look at the hotness you'll see connected to everyones ears come this December:

...what the hell?


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Perfect Play Pin

3 year old gets trapped in claw game. Family could not retrieve the child due to inaccuracy and the fact that the claw just couldn't keep a strong grip on the little bugger.

Full Story from USA Today

The Pyramid

City in a Pyramid
750,000 people living in an open air pyramid sitting on top of Tokyo Bay.
No cars, the whole thing is powered by waves and algae.
Just a dream now though.
The Future.
(And yes I know that picture is of a Sphere but it's connected to the Pyramid and is called a node.)

Greatest Breakfast Ever?

Jimmy Dean you have out done yourself sir. Could there be other flavors besides Chocolate Chip? Caramel? French Vanilla? Bubble Gum? This idea needs to be pushed to the extreme.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Lite Brite Online!

Miss your old Lite Brite? Me too! Well now you can make crazy fantastical Lite drawings without the hassle of poking plastic pieces through construction paper!
Lite Brite Online!

Have fun you kids! Send your best art right here -->

Always Update Apple Products

This is what my Powerbook G4 performs like these days. I mean I love Macintosh products I just didn't know back in the day that I had to update the system all the time, my mistake I know. Now that I have come into some money I'm going to have to upgrade to OSX 10.4. I'm sure somewhere in the manuel it says always software update but I was a stupid 18 year old kid with my first laptop how was I to know? HOW?! Anyways my software update should be ordered soon and when it does watch out Quicktime I'm gonna rip you a new one with those movie trailers I've been missing. I also want an iSight with PhotoBooth man that thing is really awesome. I'll complete my set with an iPhone and the all new iPod Touch Screen coming this December, always updating from now on of course.


I Can't Tell Who is Hotter, Any Help?

Diora Baird


Scarlett Johansson

Any help?

Fruity Pebbles: Prehistoric Pleasure Promontories

I wish Fruity Pebbles were stone colored. Imagine popping open a box, ripping thru that bag and dumping out miniature morsels that were not only in the shape of rocks but also the color of rocks. With tablespoon in hand you plunge your rounded stick into the pile then crunch down grinding up rocks like the animal you are. I'm eating rocks, and I love it! You may say, and boy how right you are. Fruity Pebbles is the greatest cereal to ever grace the American Grocery Store. If you've never had the pure joy of a spoonful of 'Pebs' then you have missed out on one of the true links to our evolutionary past. The cross marketing with "The Flintstone's" characters could not be more perfect, the fact is eating Fruity Pebbles makes you feel like a dinosaur. What creature can stand by the watering hole and just grab a rock and crush it with the brute strength of its jaw and molars? I'll tell you which one, Dinosaurs. Why would a dinosaur want to eat a rock you may ask, because it's a Dinosaur it doesn't have cognitive thought all it knows is see, eat, water, sleep, in fact I'm not even sure if Dinosaurs know what sleep is, nevertheless, Dinosaurs ate rocks. 65 million years later we humans now dine on pretty much anything our digestive system can handle, but not rocks. Post Cereal must've figured this fact out back in 1971 by telling us; "We're going to sell a cereal so that people can eat rocks, and they'll like it." Not only did we like these bite size boulders, we loved them. The evolutionary chain had been breached Dinosaurs and Humans meeting together over their love of tiny rocks that become dust in our choppers. When eating a bowl of 'Pebs' I personally can not eat it fast enough the pure mouth joy these hard edged colored stones brings to me is enough to make me finish an entire box within mere hours (even while thinking to myself I have to stop eating Pebs). The only problem with Fruity Pebbles is the color, sure to sell the stuff to kids it needs to be bright and colorful to stimulate the inner reaches of a developing brain but how about a Cap'n Crunch "Oops" Choco Donuts (more on this later) type accident at the factory to get us some legitimate Pebbles in my cereal bowl. Now I know "Cocoa Pebbles" are some sort of mud color and that is a step in the right direction but they just don't taste as good as the Fruity variety. Just a one time special run of Grey, Off Grey, and Sediment colored Fruity Pebbles would surely make for the greatest cereal and one of the true great moments in human history.

Stay the Course

What is it about this?

I'm sure any true red blooded Americen male has given this picture the once over more than a few times in the past week or so. This picture has caused a mini revolution of sorts, it comes on the heels of Scarlett Johnasson being named Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire and this picture not only proves that, it exceeds all expectations for this 21 year old who has come to be known as "Walking Sex." I think every man, woman and child that looks at this impeccably captured moment in time becomes awestruck by some unseen presence (Of course we all know what that unforeseen presence is and oh how we long for it). The mere fact that the picture is for an Allure magazine spread means that the Allure staff knows that if this is buried within their pages then men across the land will fork over their hard earned money for a single page in a magazine devoted to make-up and seasonal fashions. The power of the breasts are strong and I'm happy to know that we live in a time where all can be shared so easily and all can be celebrated. We can only hope a director in the future has more common sense then Michael Bay to let this actress do what she wants.

Here we go

The Sean Malloy Productions Studio Blog
Well I've tried time and time again to get a blog going and I think I have finally found my home. Not sure what took so long but no matter, let's do this. As many of you know our Studio had a very successful run of YouTube videos over a year ago, a lot has changed since then. John Bradley now works for a Video production house in Alexandria, the company responsible for the Lipozene commercials and various other PSA's for large corporations. Richard is about to head out to Florida for the next year and half to study Film Directing at Full Sail. The combination of the two should lead to some big things for our little studio. I'm going to try and post like crazy anything that I may find out there, I wasn't really feeling the MySpace blog and the time has come to really push forward with any and everything Sean Malloy. All new videos from us will make their debut on here (well actually on YouTube but I will post them on here before anyone even notices).